On the 6th of October 2002, he asked me to marry him.....and on the 5th September 2003 we were married in a beautiful ceremony that we shared with our families and a lot of our really good friends!
We have many beautiful friends on the net, David and Dawn and their boys from Indiana USA, Sharron & Garry(curls & co), and so many more wonderful people...over the 10 or more years that we have been online *smile* Many people have come and go over that time and we hope you are all safe and well and maybe one day we'll cross paths again....life has a funny way of doing these sorta things :o)
Hey, I hope you enjoy this page as much as I do renovating it.....Please
feel free to look around and don't forget to have fun....
Oh by the way if you have any comments on this site or if you have any
ideas that you might like to see on here, please let me know by mailing me!
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